Welcome to Murphy Law Monday! Today, I'd like to share an interesting fact about myself: I serve as a guardian of people's property in Maryland.
🤝 A guardian steps into an individual's role and helps manage their day-to-day financial needs. There are two types: guardian of the person and guardian of the property.
👴🏼👧🏻 Typically, in cases involving the elderly or minor children, a court-appointed guardian is required. As one of the youngest attorneys in Maryland serving as a guardian of the property, I act as a fiduciary for those who can't handle their own bills, taxes, and financial management.
💼 You don't have to be an attorney to serve as a guardian. It can be a family member or trusted individual. However, attorneys are often appointed as successor guardians due to their expertise in financial matters and accountability to the court.
Allow Murphy's law to work in your favor! Contact my office today!
☎️ 240-493-9116
🌐 www.amurphylegal.com
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