Listen up! In the past, in order to establish joint custody for child support purposes, you needed a whopping 128 overnights per year. Yes, you heard that right! But hold on tight because everything has changed. The new law has reduced the requirement from 128 to just 92 overnights per year. Now, that's a drastic difference that will undoubtedly impact child support cases.
But what does this mean for you? If you've recently been served with child support papers and your case was filed after October 1, 2020, this new law applies directly to your situation. However, if your case was filed before October 1, unfortunately, this change won't affect you. It is important to note that submitting a modification after October 1 could potentially impact the court's decision. However, to successfully change the existing child support order, you must prove a significant and substantial change in circumstances that warrants the modification.
Now, let's talk about the importance of establishing custody. If you're the recipient of a child support case, I strongly encourage you to file for custody. Why? Getting a court order for custody not only gives you undeniable evidence of your overnight arrangements, but also gives you the ability to advocate for a fair joint custody schedule with confidence, and potentially reduce your child support obligations.It's all about having that solid legal backing to support your case.
Don't forget, the calculation of child support considers several important factors, including gross income, expenses for childcare, coverage for health insurance, and exceptional medical expenses surpassing $100 per month or year. The number of overnights you have plays a significant role in determining the child support amount. So, it's crucial to understand the impact of these changes and be prepared to make your case using the new guidelines.
Allow The Murphy Law Firm to work in your favor! Contact my office today!
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