How does Jurisdiction Affect Child Custody?

Published on
August 23, 2022
Written by
Angel Murphy

Did you know that filing your Child Custody in the proper Jurisdiction saves you a lot of time⏱, money💰, and work💪🏾for it to be resolved?

📌Jurisdiction is what gives a court the power and authority to hear a case.

📌Without proper jurisdiction, you can’t bring a case to court!

📌It also determines which state laws apply to your case.

Depending on the specifics of your situation, filing in one state may be more advantageous than another.

Your lawyer can help you file your case with the right court and establish jurisdiction over your co-parent, wherever they may be.

Allow Murphy's law to work in your favor! Contact my office today!

☎️ 240-493-9116



Angel Murphy

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