Father's Rights For Child Custody: What rights does a father have for Children under 2 years old?

Published on
April 29, 2021
Written by
Angel Murphy

In today's Murphy Law Monday, we addressed the misconception that fathers can't have equal access to their young children. We strongly believe in parental equality and challenge the idea of a build-up or graduated schedule for visitation.

✅ Importance of Bonding: It's crucial for fathers to have the opportunity to bond with their children from a young age. Familiarity is key as the child grows older.

✅ Biological Considerations: While certain biological factors like breastfeeding may require adjustments, there are ways for fathers to spend quality time with their kids.

✅ Child's Best Interests: Courts prioritize the child's best interests above all else. Personal biases or reasons against father involvement hold no weight in the court's perspective.

✅ Encouragement: I encourage fathers to assert their rights and seek legal assistance if needed to ensure meaningful relationships with their children

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