Why are Finances a Major Reason for Divorce?

Published on
July 26, 2022
Written by
Angel Murphy

According to popular sentiment, finances are one of the leading causes of divorce. This is one of those popular impressions which is very much backed up by the data: if you ask sociologists and others who study marriage, they will confirm that money is indeed a major factor in divorce. We should ask ourselves: why is money such a major reason for divorce? This is one of those things where most people assume they know what’s happening, but few people have actually examined this issue carefully. Let’s look at a few reasons why finances so often play a big role in divorce.

#1: Stress of Finances

This is the number one reason by a clear margin. If you ask researchers, they will tell you money issues lead to stress, and stress puts a burden on marriage. Part of this relates to the demands of marriage itself. When you’re married to someone, you spend so much time together, and your demands on the other person are heavy. If you add financial stress on top of everything, this can rapidly create an unbearable situation. Couples with financial problems often argue and clash, which creates more stress, and this can quickly spiral out of control. Think about it: if you spend a huge amount of time with your partner, and you frequently clash over money issues, most people can understand why this situation declines and ends with divorce.

#2: Necessity of Finances

In some cases, money problems can tear people apart because these problems can cause people to do things they wouldn’t ordinarily do out of necessity. For instance, suppose a couple is having money problems, and a new job opportunity presents itself to one spouse, but not the other. The new job opportunity is in another city. In this hypothetical scenario, many spouses might be tempted to accept the job offer despite the location. This obviously can create a complex and potentially problematic situation for the marriage. This would be a scenario in which financial issues lead to divorce almost out of sheer necessity.

#3: Greed Involved with Finances

This is probably the reason which receives the least amount of attention, and we shouldn’t be too surprised: sometimes, money issues can bring out deeper personality traits, and sometimes those deeper traits aren’t conducive to keeping the marriage together. In some cases, money problems can reveal that one partner is greedy and values money over the relationship itself. This type of situation may sound uncommon, but it’s likely more frequent than most people expect. Some people approach marriage from a pragmatic or materialistic standpoint; when financial stress suddenly enters the scene, this exposes one partner’s materialism and then the marriage dissolves. Or, in rarer cases, materialism can be an overt aspect of the marriage, and so obviously in those cases, financial stress will naturally lead to dissolution.

Contact the Murphy Law Firm for More Information

If you’d like to learn more, get in touch with The Murphy Law Firm for more information by calling 240-493-9116.

Angel Murphy

Personable. Passionate. Persistent.

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